What’s Your Most Embarrassing Beauty Story?
Because not every beauty story is Instagram worthy
Not every beauty story has a happy ending. Sometimes, they’re awkward, gross, and just plain embarrassing! Remember how things turned out when you cut your own bangs in 4th grade? Or how your prom pics turned out when you went a bit crazy with the spray tan?! We asked a few of our readers to share their best and worst beauty stories, because solidarity. Scroll below for a bit of reassurance and good ol’ confidence boost.
Oopsa loopsa
“I got a spray tan the day before my junior prom. The next morning I wanted to exercise so that I’d look extra hot in my gown, because who doesn’t want that? Little did I know, it left me with a sports bra tan line. Hint: bronzer is a godsend.”
-Rebecca, 22, Massachusetts
Farewell, [no kiss] goodnight
“I used to wear really bright red lipstick. It was a signature of sorts that people came to know me by. Of course it seemed fitting to wear my favorite red lip on a blind date. I felt like me and the guy hit it off, so I liked him. Once I got home and looked in the mirror, I saw a line of my bright red lipstick smeared across my teeth. I suddenly understood why I didn’t get a goodnight kiss after dinner.”
-Sheila, 66, Ohio
“When I was in high school, I was a cheerleader with an urge to get bangs. Of course I couldn’t get bangs without constant judgment. One night out of boredom, I used scissors meant to cut paper to cut my bangs. Big mistake. I had to pin my bangs back with bobby pins for months. They were so short and choppy that even bobby pins couldn’t keep them in place most of the time! I looked like Alfalfa and couldn’t wear ponytails at our football games without people making fun of me! Luckily, my bangs grew out since then and I learned my lesson.”
-Erica, 27, California
What’s the expiration date?
“I was a sophomore in high school at the time and it was an hour or two before I headed out with my friends. To prep my skin for our big night, I used a clay face mask I found in my sister’s room. She used them to make her face glow, so I figured they were a safe choice. After about 20 mins, I took it off and boy did it make me glow…RED! I looked completely sun burnt, I didn’t know what to do. I had nothing to lose at this point and decided to try calming my beet red face down with an ice pack… and believe it or not it actually worked! Huge tip: Make sure you always check the expiration date on these types of things, or else you’ll learn the hard way like me (thanks a lot sis).”
Jess, 22, New Jersey
On thin ice
“After I heard that threading was more precise than waxing, I began threading my eyebrows in 8th grade. Everything was great, up until the day before my 8th grade dinner dance. I already had my dress and shoes, so I was super excited! In order to look “put together”, I needed my brows done. I did a walk-in threading appointment at the mall, because I was in the area. I had been growing out my brows so that they could look thick and amazing for my dance and I wanted to give off Megan Fox vibes. Seriously, who doesn’t? Before we started I said, “I don’t want them thin, please”; she nodded and began grooming them. After she finished her work, I looked at my reflection and nearly fell off my chair! They were practically invisible. Turns out that she misheard me and thought I asked her to make them thin. Moral of the story: Make sure you say your words in a way that can’t be misinterpreted.”
-Chloe, 16, Florida
What happens in Vegas
“I was in Las Vegas for my best friend’s birthday and we were killing it on the dance floor, to the point that I sweat my makeup off. I started to feel super sticky and gross from going a bit too hard, so my friend and I took a trip to the bathroom to address my sweat situation. While there, I remembered reading somewhere that toilet seat covers make excellent oil blotting papers. Desperate times call for desperate measures, so I gave it a go. I have to say, I was very impressed with it…that is until a group of girls walked through the door and saw me standing there with an entire toilet seat cover stuck to my face. I truly hope that what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
-Liz, 30, Colorado
Get the pluck over it
“One time ago, I over plucked my eyebrow. Yes, you read that right – I over plucked just one brow! I tried to make it work, but they were just too uneven. To make matters worse, I was going out that night! I didn’t have anything meant for filling eyebrows in, so I frantically grabbed the first eye shadow palette I saw. I thought that the brown shade on it would be the perfect trick to fix my hairless brow, so I quickly threw on some and headed out the door. We took tons of pictures that night only for me to realize how ridiculous I looked! It turns out the brown eye shadow I used was glittery and faded. Never again.”
-Lejla, 19, New Jersey
DM us your most embarrassing beauty story via Instagram and you may get a feature!
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