Style Personality Quiz: Which American Beauty Star Artist are You?

“Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak.” -Rachel Zoe

Your personal style has a special way of expressing your personality. Whether your personality is bold, subtle, or something in between, finding the right look for you is empowering. On Season 2 of American Beauty Star, we have had no shortage of style or personality.

So, what is your signature slay? Take our style personality quiz below to see which Season 2 American Beauty Star finalist is your style twin!


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  1. Kenadi (Kennedy)

    Hi I’m eleven and I an REALLY REALLY into make up I think if I had a chance (American Beauty star JUNIOR) I could end up at the top so please please give me a chance also I wanted to say if Ashley Graham is reading this I just wanna say YOU ARE MY ICON even though your a longeray model I’m plus size to and I get made fun of but I DONT CARE because theres people like you who love themselves for there determination I’m so INSPIRED by you I just need a chance to show everyone what I’m worth

    • March 26, 2025
  2. Claire

    My granddaughter is amazing. she attends Aveda Institute at present, she always had this incredible ability for art and detailed drawings and graphic design. (was thinking of the tattoo field as a young child) I have watched your program since it started and I feel she has as much talent as Lucy and looks a lot like her and acts just the same ….. a little shy …. and she never saw the program until I told her about it. It gave her an idea of what she needs to do to succeed in the beauty business, not just makeup, but hair and clothes, mood, style …… to be able to put a complete look together. Thank you for putting together a great program, I think it is beneficial to all who want to get into the beauty business and to be a success at it ………. or not!

    • March 26, 2025

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